Monday, December 21, 2009

Sneak Peek: It's Complicated

Maybe you guys didn’t know, but I’m like really industry. I’m just getting invited to premieres and parties and shit everyday. It’s hard to keep up blogging when you’re basically the social epi-center of the Entertainment business. Oh wait, I’m not. At all.

Well, either way, I saw It’s Complicated (trailer embedded above) months ago even though it doesn’t come out until Christmas day. Do I consider myself way cooler than you because of this? Absolutely. But we won’t get into that now. We’ll just talk about how this was possibly the best RomCom I’ve ever seen (except for my number one favorite of all time, Keeping the Faith).

When I scored the invite to this exclusive social event (aka a mass e-mail to subscribers of I was beyond excited. From the first second I heard about this movie I knew I was going to love it. But truth be told, I loved it even more than I thought I would. It comes from my favorite Dirctor, Nancy Meyers. You might know her from smash RomCom hits such as: The Parent Trap, What Women Want, Something’s Gotta Give and The Holiday. You might also know her from her writing which includes the previously mentioned films (except What Women Want) as well both Father of the Bride movies. She's an American treasure.

Nancy Meyers is like a fine wine, she gets better with age. With the four above directorial examples (listed chronologically) you can how they get better as they get closer to present day. What Women Want is really cheesy and strange but undeniably good. Something’s Gotta Give is about old people (which is right up my alley but less so for others) and The Holiday is…. The Holiday.

While re-watching The Holiday on TV the other weekend I came to the realization that I actually straight up HATE Cameron Diaz’s character in that movie. I don’t find her awkwardness endearing at all, I find it fake. Her facial expressions make me want to scream and she acts like a fucking child. I think it’s just some bad acting from her. I’d much rather watch her in What Happens In Vegas.

If you haven’t seen WHIV (which I would say out loud as “double u hiv”) you should get on that immediately. Because putting Ashton Kutcher in a RomCom means you’re ready to get down to business. Ok, back to Nancy (we’re really good friends, I just call her Nance sometimes.)

Another reason I knew I’d love It’s Complicated is because of the cast: Meryl Streep (I’ll get into that in a second), Alec Baldwin (swoon) and Steve Martin (awkward hilarity). And that is the cast that the film is being promoted for. But if you ask me I say there is a a name that’s missing from the billboards, and that name is John Krasinski.

John Krasinski oddly carries this film. And I don’t mean the film would have failed with out him, because it still would have been good. But he’s like way more involved than I assumed he would be and he is HILARIOUS throughout. I’m not surprised that he was so hilarious, but more surprised at how well he fit in with the cast of characters and how well Nancy Meyers wrote his for him. I've loved John Krasinski since episode one, season one of The Office. But I really think after this movie, everyone who sees it will love him too. Even though I've heard a story from a friend that' he's a dick in real life (the same friend who get me tickets to see It's Complicated, actually) I refuse to believe it.

It’s just that he’s the only really relatable character under the age of 50. In the movie Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin have two daughters and a son. The oldest daughter in engaged to John Krasinski and that’s how he fits in. If you don’t know the plot yet: Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin got divorced because Alec Baldwin left her for a younger woman. Then Meryl and Alec start things up again as Alec cheats on his young wife, played by Lake Bell. Meanwhile Meryl starts dating Steve Martin, who is the architect working with her on redesigning her house.

This next comment might come as a surprise, but I really don’t like Meryl Streep. She has an almost ScarJo effect on me. I love all of her movies but she herself really bothers me. Something about her voice or her intonation. I’m not sure. But she really rubs me the wrong way. But movies I love love love that she is in: Prime, Julie & Julia (watched it last night, no biggie), Adaptation, Mamma Mia!, Devil Wears Prada. You know, the classics.

The best thing about It’s Complicated, other than being in the Nancy Meyers world of visual perfection and cleanliness (I’m not sure how else to describe it), is that plot-wise this one really seems realistic. The problems are real. You, as the viewer don’t really know whose side you’re on. You are as confused as Meryl Streep is about the situation, and that makes the movie great. At one point during the movie, my friend turned to me and sighed and said, “Wow, this really is complicated” and then we burst into laughter and the rude queen next to us shushed us even though his cell phone rang during he movie. Whatever.

Nancy Meyers movies can sometimes get a little… lets say “out there”. The concept of What Women Want is ridiculous. Something’s Gotta Give is realistic enough. But The Holiday? When you think about it and they’re all dancing around together in the end, you’re like how is this exactly going to work? Neither of these couples live on the same continent as either of their significant others. And also, it’s just super cheesy and obvious in the end. But in It’s Complicated everything just seems real. It all makes sense. It’s just so good.

And also, if there is a scene in anything where people over the age of 50 are smoking pot, you bet your ass I’m going to think it’s hilarious. One of my favorite episodes of That 70’s Show is what Red, Kitty, Midge and Bob accidentally eat pot brownies. There’s nothing funnier than a high old person. Nothing.

The pot smoking scene in “It’s Complicated” is done so perfectly, I wish I was there smoking with them. First Meryl Streep and Steve Martin smoke together. Then they go to a party and Meryl smokes in a bathroom with Alec, and they got walked-in on by John Krasinksi, who then also smokes with them. And then hilarity ensues. Talk about high quality high jinx. Say high again. High.

So my recommendation is to see “It’s Complicated” this holiday season. If you don’t like it, I will put coal in your stocking.


Unknown said...

DUH NANCY MEYERS IS THE GREATEST/i have an unparalleled obsession with father of the bride. i can't WAIT to see it!!

Brady said...

it's a serious instant classic.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see it!!!

Brooklynfluff said...

can't wait for 'It's Complicated,' but in the meantime, WHIV deserves its own post.

abby said...

I just watched It's Complicated last night and it is just as amazing as you described - particularly John Krasinski and the pot smoking scene. I would argue that it tops your beloved Keeping the Faith, but nothing beats out Father of the Bride - that is a CLASSIC.

P.S. After reading this post, I can't get the image of everyone dancing around at the end of The Holiday out of my end. So ridiculous.

slenslee said...

I passionately hate meryl streep and the fact that literally if she farts in a movie she gets nominated for at least seven golden globes.

Brady said...

So happy to find someone that hates Meryl as much as I do.